Sunday, 19 August 2012

FRAUD/SCAM Frozen Fresh Lemons Pvt Ltd Auction Property Agents Company In Vasai and Mumbai

Frozen Fresh Lemons Pvt Ltd is located in vasai.
Their name is already spoiled by their illegal activities like cheating with ordinary middle class & lower middle class people. They publish ads in websites like, and many other websites like, They are trying to misguide people & show fake dreams of low cost flats in mumbai. They are ready to sell auction at very low rate which is not even possible in village places.

How They Cheat :
1. They keep very low price for these auction flat which is impossible in metropolitan city like mumbai and thats too in prime location.
2. They are ready to  give you loans without document, where in bank require all documents.
3. Initially they will show you that they are ready to sell this auction flat for 12 lacs. if its out of your budget
    they will come down to 6 lacs also.
4. Bank never gives loan on Auction Property. how they will manage god knows.
5. They will shiow you dreams & ask for 30% token amount, if it's not possible by client they will reduce            advance amount to 10% also.
6. They say that their is settlement amount by banks but they are fooling you. they will try as much as possible to fool you.
7. They have opened many branches with new & different names, but beware all this are frozen fresh lemons branches.  frozen fresh lemons is the head office of all this branches.
8. They say that they will clear the title of the property but it never happens.
9. They will collect advance amount from you,will ask to come after 2-3 days for signing the MOU. but later on they will not cal you for MOU, they will give you silly reasons like its under process will take another 7 days. after that they will ignore your cals, will not attend your calls.
10. luckily if you signed the MOU they will keep money for 6 months & will eat interest from bank on your money, will use money & legally will return your money after 6 months. you can not do anything against them as they have done this illegal activity legally by signing MOU. because they never had intention to sell you flat.
11. while returning money they will give you excuses like " sorry, loan is rejected "
12 this way they take money from more than 500 people for single flat , now you can calculate how much money they are earning from interest legally.
13. again if you approach next year they will show you same flats.

other fraud Branches Of This Compay are : 

Amber Capro / Yavi builder / AGRYFS / Sarvesh Group Of Companies / Green Acre / Frozen Fresh Lemon Pvt. Ltd   (All Have same owner)

Fraud people in this company are:

yogesh karande, suraj chubey , raj thakkar , sarvesh thakkar, vaishali karande, shailesh tripathi, payal kamble, sandeep singh (sandy), shreekant gadkari, sunil singh,kunal kadam, vaishali karande, shailesh tripathi, payal kamble/ sandeep singh (sandy), shreekant gadkari , sunil singh, kunal kadam

   Attention - Warning - Beware -Attention - Warning - Beware -Attention - Warning - Beware -


  1. they r total cheat company, all beware of it.

  2. HI my name is RAJPUT, I have done a MOU with AGRFYS SOlUTIONS for flat no. 309 c wing, rashmi plaza, dewanman talao, suncity road, vasai west. Kindly advice if anybody have purchased or given 30% as MOU amount to FROZEN lEMON or some other agent so that the property does not clash or somebody is not cheated. You can mail me on


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